Check Out Our Wide Variety of Bird Baths and Water Accessories
Give your birds a place to drink and clean their feathers. Our decorative bird baths are available in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors and are great for attracting birds not already visiting your feeders (such as robins).
Consider a stone birdbath. Naturally beautiful, these baths can be left out in freezing or frosty conditions without the fear of them cracking or breaking.
Made of durable plastic, this bath's sides are sloped so birds can move to their desired bathing depth. The texture of the dish provides grip for birds as they move through the water. Stands (sold separately) come in a variety of heights and designs to fit your specific needs.
Want to up your game? Try adding a birdbath heater in the winter. Birdbath heaters keep the water just above freezing point so your feathered friends have fresh water when most natural sources are frozen over.