Kevin's Corner - Fall Feeding Information

From Kevin @ WBU Williamsburg, VA - sent out in a recent email to our WBU customers:

Fall Feeding is back!
We're seeing migratory birds passing through and/or arriving to stay! We've had our first Rose Breasted Grosbeak report! We're also hearing reports of Ruby Crowned Kinglets and possible Pine siskins. White Throated Sparrows should arrive any day now! We are seeing definite Yellow Bellied Sapsucker activity in our yard (a migratory woodpecker) and many more Northern Flickers in our yard (a species that is present year-round, but more shift to our region in Winter).

Regarding Hummingbirds
Hummers are definitely still present , but becoming scarce. You may not "see" as many, but keeping at least one feeder going with fresh nectar is a really good thing to do! Some birds "fledge" late from the nest. Others may older birds or stragglers who were "beaten up" by some of the storms that went up the coast in recent weeks. In any case, keeping a feeder going is a kind thing to do for those handful that haven't migrated just yet.

Notes on "Caching"
We're seeing heavy activity among woodland "caching" birds (chickadees, nuthatches, Titmouses and woodpeckers). The key to drawing them (and others) is fresh dry food in a clean feeder. For an ideal "Caching" blend try out our "Winter Super Blend" (back in stock now!) If you have old food left over from the Summer months, you really want to use it up. Seed that sits around for months on end starts to lose its appeal.

A Reminder on Food "Freshness"
If you see a slow down at your feeder, or activity stops entirely- Be sure to check the food in the feeder. If it is "wet and clumpy" its best to dump it out, and half fill a clean, dry feeder with fresh food.

We humans think "But I want to get my money's worth!" They'll eat it if they get hungry enough." My answer is "No, they won't eat it." As we have all been told: "There's no point crying over spilt mik." I'd say the same for spoiled seed. "Dump the food, clean the feeder. Dry it and refill it (maybe halfway until you see good bird activity). The thing is- You're missing the show if you don't get the fresh stuff out there!

The average backyard may be visited regularly by 15 to 20 different bird species. However, a bird-friendly yard which offers a variety of different bird foods can attract up to 60 or more different species.