Peak Hummingbird Season is on its Way!


 Notes On Hummingbird "Peak Season" & How Best to Feed

This is Kevin @ WBU Wmsbrg,

Mid July marks the beginning of "Peak Hummingbird Activity" Season in our region. After several months of nesting, the Ruby Throat population is greatly replenished. If you haven't been offering a feeder regularly (or were discouraged by ants, bees or low numbers), Its time to change gears-

THE BIG SHOW IS COMING! Hummer "dog fights," the air buzzing with electricity. These are bird feeders "sounds of summer." Some few locals even get to see the rare spectacle of swarm feeding where as many as a dozen or more birds hover around a group of feeders (again this is rare).

Get your feeder out there! Keep Your Nectar Fresh. Consider adding additional feeders and spread them out to avoid bully birds dominating your "one feeder." If you have problems (ants, bees, cloudy nectar) Come in and talk to us! We're here to help!

Please Also, Make your nectar correctly, keep it fresh, and clean your feeders regularly.

GOOD NECTAR (ingredients Sugar, Water)
Pre-Boil Water (to remove impurities)
Mix 1 Part Sugar to 4 Parts Water (Don't boil sugar)
Fill Feeder & Change Nectar Every 3 Days.

PERFECT NECTAR (Sugar, Water, Nectar Defender)
Same recipe, but add Nectar Defender at the end.

So what the heck is Nectar Defender?
Nectar Defender is a nectar additive with the micro-nutrient Copper sulfate. Copper sulfate is a natural part a hummingbird's diet (consumed through insects). It also happens to kill algae, fungi and other bacteria. Added to Hummingbird Nectar in the proper ratio, it keeps nectar fresh for up to two weeks and benefits the bird like a vitamin supplement.

Why use Nectar Defender?- Regular Sugar Water is good for 3 days. If you don't change it (we all forget sometimes)- it can ferment and grow black mold or fungi that is bad news for Hummingbirds. Its far better that we play it safe and know that your feeders are safe for 2 weeks at a time!

So, Why haven't I seen as many Hummers so far this year?
When Hummingbirds first arrive in Spring, their numbers are at a year long "low Point." They migrated to Central America and back and they don't all make it. It's no wonder people often comment in Spring "their seem to be fewer this year."

It's July and there are FAR more hummers out there now- Birds can make us crazy sometimes, but control what you can- Buy a good feeder. Keep your nectar fresh. Clean your feeder whenever you fill it. And remember: Ants, Bees, cloudy nectar? Come talk to us about your problems. I promise you, we have the fix!

So What Makes a Good Hummingbird Feeder?
Lets start with the bad- This morning I made a house call for a customer to help her set up a bird house. While there I saw right away the bees swarming around her hummingbird feeders! (Some decorative "bottle on top" designs with little flower ports down below).

As she and I discussed- Decorative "bottle on top" designs are very prone to nectar "dripping." Dripping nectar leads to ants and bees. This is why we don't carry them at WBU Wmsbrg!

Our WBU High Perch Feeders are designed to have very few issues with ants and bees. They are easy to clean and MUCH more headache free than most other designs out there. They even have the recipe for nectar engraved in the bowl (so you can't lose it!). You should also check out our hand painted pottery designs (also great designs) and beautiful to look at!

As you may see in the picture- The Mini High Perch™ Hummingbird Feeder may look little, but its payoff is big when it comes to feeding the hummingbirds in your yard.

Hummingbirds, particularly adult males, can be very feisty and aggressive when defending their territories. Multiple feeders, spread throughout your yard, will encourage more hummingbirds to visit and keep bullies at bay.

The Mini High Perch Hummingbird Feeder makes it easier than ever to have multiple feeders. It features a high perch that allows hummingbirds to comfortably rest, providing you with better, longer views of the birds. It's also easy to fill, clean (top shelf dishwasher safe) and hang. Larger versions of the High Perch design even have built in "Ant Moats" which you fill with regular water to keep ants out of your feeder.